Digital Vault

Secure your Information in our Digital Vault

This allows your important information to be passed along to those of your choosing, after you pass away. Leaving nothing unsaid or un-done.

Death can be incredibly difficult but you can save your loved ones from days, weeks and months of pain by being prepared.

Data protection is becoming a significant issue in these times.


  1. EASILY PROVIDE ACCESS to photos, videos, and treasured memories stored on your phone and computer to loved ones.

  2. UPLOAD IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS to save family members and business partners months of searching and stressing. Be it your Will, list of assets, title document, Bitcoin. The list is endless.

  3. CREATE MESSAGES written, voice or, video recording filled with love guidance, or instructions to be delivered and cherished after you are gone.

  4. LEAVE ITEMISED LISTS such as bills, providers, care instructions for pets, etc. So that everything is taken care of.

Secure your Information in our Digital Vault

Make sure your Will gets into the right hands, as well as any other important documents you wish to pass onto your family.

  1. Military grade encryption to keep your Online Will, and any other important documents safe.

  2. You decide who gets what information after you die.

  3. Your Online Will and related documents are stored securely, so nothing gets lost or destroyed.

Secure your Information in our Digital Vault

This allows your important information to be passed along to those of your choosing, after you pass away. Leaving nothing unsaid or un-done.


1. ADD PEOPLE & REPRESENTATIVES - Add the details of people you want to leave items to, as well as your legal representatives.

2. CREATE & UPLOAD DATA - Write messages, upload important legal documents, add passwords, write out care instructions for pets, and more!

3. ASSIGN DOCUMENTS TO THOSE OF YOUR CHOOSING - Assign each item in the vault to one or more people, who you want to receive the data after you die.